Stoma Therapy Clinics
Stomal therapy nurses provide a wide range of professional advice and support through specialised stoma clinics at ACT Health’s community health centres. The service is free to ACT residents holding Medicare or Asylum Seeker cards but appointments are essential.
Stoma clinics are held at Belconnen Community Health Centre and Tuggeranong Community Health Centre. To attend these clinics, please ring Community Health Intake (CHI) on 5124 9977.
If you are over 65 or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aged over 50, please ring My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 to be referred.
You can find the stomal therapy nurse nearest to you by searching here: Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses
Support Group
The local support group can provide peer to peer advice and support. It is held regularly throughout the year. Members can find support group information through the Association or at the link below. RSVP’s are required.
Selecting and changing appliances
New ostomates will have their first products chosen by the medical professionals who handle their case. Usually, a stomal therapy nurse will select the products thought to be most suitable.
Ostomates may wish to try different products or change their existing product for another which they think might be more suitable.
As an ostomate, you are not bound to continue using a particular product, but we strongly recommend that you consult a stomal therapy nurse before trying something new.
You can do this by making an appointment at a stoma clinic.
Please note, association staff are not able to give clinical advice on products or their suitability.
Having a stoma is no barrier to travelling within Australia and overseas. Members have travelled and worked in some of the world’s most remote places.
But always make sure that you are properly prepared for the places that you intend to visit, and take account of any passenger or customs requirements.
You can find some useful advice here:
Australian Stoma – travelling overseas
Australian Stoma – national public toilet map
Department of Health – travel health information
Useful links
The internet is a rich source of information for ostomates new and old.
You might find some of these sites useful:
The Australian Council of Stoma Associations